All Aylett Country Day School tuition must be paid through FACTS Management Company.
Aylett Country Day School has partnered with FACTS Management Company to help us manage our tuition payment program. FACTS is used by many schools locally and over 5,000 schools nationally. We are excited to be working with them and are confident that this program will offer greater efficiency and financial stability for the school while providing convenience to families.
FACTS allows our families to:
- Enroll easily and conveniently online the FACTS website.
- Pay annually, semi-annually, or monthly.
- Select from two monthly payment dates, the 5th or the 20th.
- Make payments securely from a bank to bank transaction.
- Pay by credit card if desired.
- Families may check their personal accounts or make payments online at their convenience.
Before going online to enroll, please have your account information for the person responsible for payment, including your bank name, telephone number, account number, and the bank routing number. You will find most of this information on your check. If you are paying by credit card, have your card information available.
Before you submit your information to FACTS, please carefully read the Final Review. Notification confirming your enrollment in a FACTS payment plan online will be sent to you after you submit your agreement.
If you have any questions about FACTS, please contact Lisa Hundley at the school at 804-443-3214 or online at lhundley@acdspatriots.net. You may also contact FACTS directly at 866-441-4637 or view your online agreement online at https://online.factsmgt.com. FACTS customer service representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.